Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

In this article, the author talks about how in the present day, with so much information available to us with the click of a button, we are losing our ability think for ourselves and expand our knowledge.  Things used to be so simple and they continue to get more and more difficult as time passes.  Being an author, he utilizes the internet for research instead of sifting through multiple stacks of paper to find the answer to a simple question.  But he has realized that now because of the internet, he no longer just sits and immerses himself in a book for hours on end, but instead gets onto the internet.  He says that the Net has become a universal medium and the main source for all information that his eyes gaze upon.  The internet has changed so much about the thought process of human minds.  It has also changed to reading process because instead of taking the time to read a book, we google a summary.  Although it is a lot quicker, we do not think for ourselves anymore or think deep into the meaning of a book.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Unit 3 Brainstorming: Identity and Social Media

Blake Shelton's twitter feed is filled with responses, retweets, and promotions of himself and his team during each season of the voice.  He does a great job of responding to his fans tweets to him and also promoting his team and the show The Voice.  Blake Shelton always speaks his mind on his twitter account and isn't afraid to let it all out whether it be a tweet saying "I'm sober......bitch time for a drink" or dissing Adam Levine after every episode of The Voice is filmed or aired.  But on the other hand, him and his wife Miranda Lambert exchange sweet and loving tweets between one another when not together, showing a softer and kinder side of Blake Shelton.  He emits a fun-loving, care-free, hard-working personality through his twitter profile, which is a pretty accurate representation of his life as well.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Social Media: What Does Your Tattoo Say?

I feel that I represent myself on social media very well.  I do not post inappropriate Facebook posts, tweets, or instagrams, but on the other hand i do not completely censor myself so that an outsider would not be able to get to know me from looking at all of the above.
When on twitter I tend to speak my mind , yet I try to make a point of not posting anything that could one day be detrimental to myself.  My tweets range from me raving on how much I love Auburn to something interesting that has just happened to me while walking down the street to something I'm craving to eat.  For Example:
"GAAMMEE DAAAYY (hump day voice)"
This shows my school pride and how excited I am to be at Auburn.
"To the two kids arguing over the reflective state of the window: I promise there are bigger things in life:"
This is just one of the many interesting things I have overheard while walking to classes everyday.
"I want great mex taco Tuesday. That is all"
This tweet expresses a craving for food from my hometown.
There is a girl wearing heels to class, with her Nike shorts. That is all.
Again this is one of the many crazy things i see walking across campus.
The sunsets here. I'm happy.
This tweet expresses my love of sunsets, which, if you know me well, is one of my favorite things in the world.

From my tweets, one can see that I love my school, love my friends, and love food. But these are only a few of the things that define me as a person. If someone were to look through my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, one could also see that I love to have fun, yet can crack down when it comes to studies. This would be an accurate representation of me and my life. I try to keep up with social media because nowadays it is the way that my generation communicates and spreads the word about important issues. You can even get a job that has to do with keeping up on social media and keeping your business relevant on social media. I would like to believe that I censor myself enough that if i sat down for an interview and was handed a copy of all my tweets, instagrams, and facebook posts i would still get the job. I try to keep myself in the best light possible at all times, of course we all have slip ups and the bad thing about social media is that the internet is forever, but that doesn't mean that we can not try to correct those wrong doings through future posts.