Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

In this article, the author talks about how in the present day, with so much information available to us with the click of a button, we are losing our ability think for ourselves and expand our knowledge.  Things used to be so simple and they continue to get more and more difficult as time passes.  Being an author, he utilizes the internet for research instead of sifting through multiple stacks of paper to find the answer to a simple question.  But he has realized that now because of the internet, he no longer just sits and immerses himself in a book for hours on end, but instead gets onto the internet.  He says that the Net has become a universal medium and the main source for all information that his eyes gaze upon.  The internet has changed so much about the thought process of human minds.  It has also changed to reading process because instead of taking the time to read a book, we google a summary.  Although it is a lot quicker, we do not think for ourselves anymore or think deep into the meaning of a book.

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