Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Crossfire" Analyzation

One of the first things that I took from this clip was the name of the show, "Crossfire".  When hearing this name I automatically thought of heated argument and opposing opinions.  This is exactly what the video consisted of after watching it.  John Stewart with his casual attire and witty charm, transformed this debate into a sort of message for the viewers.  He indirectly criticized both hosts by stating that they needed to "stop hurting America".  John Stewart never once took sides, either Democratic or Republican, when arguing, he simply stated they needed the "stop hurting America" with their one sided views of the world.  The whole show is entirely appealing to the emotions of people and their beliefs.  John Stewart was appealing to the audiences emotions by talking with a comedic tone and constantly poking fun at the hosts and their views.  By making it humorous, John Stewart is able to relay his message and keep the interest of the audience.  His underlying message was that we need the media to help us and not degrade us.  The media has the power to alter opinions, relay messages to many people at once, and also educate people on issues they may not know about.  John Stewart constantly criticizes the hosts for not using the media to educate their audience but instead they only share their biased opinions.

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